Node.js vs. PHP: Which is Better for Web Development?

Node.js vs. PHP: Which is Better for Web Development?

The technology you choose will have a significant impact on the success of your web development project.

Backend technologies for the web such as PHP and Node.js are highly recommended. Though the battle between Nodejs vs. PHP has been quite old, each has unique properties.

While PHP has long been regarded as the best language for server-side programming, Node.js is suited for building modern web applications.

Choosing one technology over the other will impact time-to-market, resource utilization, product performance, budget, and more due to their intertwined nature and considerable disparities.

In this post, we’ll compare Nodejs and PHP to see which one you should pick based on your project requirements.

What is PHP?

PHP is one of the most widely used back-end scripting languages. It was first introduced in 1994, and the term stood for Personal Home Page at the time. It is currently known as Hypertext Preprocessor.

PHP frameworks are used to build since it’s an open-source programming language used in WordPress, the most popular content management system, and other prominent CMSs (such as Drupal, Shopify, Joomla, and WooCommerce) the vast majority of websites, including Facebook and Wikipedia.

What is Node.js?

Since 2009, Node.js has been an open-source runtime environment that allows JavaScript applications to be launched on the server. Previously, JavaScript was a particular frontend animal designed to execute in a web browser environment, and it never came into contact with PHP.

Node.js flipped the script: using Google’s V8 JS engine, it enabled asynchronous JavaScript development, a game-changer, elevating JS to the level of more sophisticated programming languages like Python.

But the question is still intact- Is Nodejs better than PHP?

Node.js vs. PHP: What Should You Choose?

Let’s consider some of the following aspects to compare both of them.

1. Node.js vs. PHP: Popularity

Although the data demonstrates PHP’s enormous popularity across all categories, it ignores the 14-year gap between the two releases. It also fails to mention PHP’s recent struggles with new-age initiatives. Scaling and concurrency issues are the main reasons it can’t keep up with today’s tech demands and is on the decline, which comes as no surprise.

Node.js, on the other hand, provides more relevant packages for current projects, easily outperforming PHP and earning a loyal following in the process.

2. Node.js vs. PHP: Coding

You’ll accomplish more with less code if the syntax is simple and well-designed.


On the surface, Node.js appears to require more lines of code to perform the same tasks as PHP. However, as the complete development environment is written in JavaScript, you won’t have to memorize the syntax of other languages when coding. So, while Node.js may demand lengthier lines of code on occasion, it only works with one language.


PHP has been around for a long time and has grown tremendously in popularity. From afar, it may appear like PHP requires fewer lines of code to complete a function, making it easier. However, you must be familiar with the operation of operators and generators in Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, and PHP (commonly referred to as LAMP).

3. Node.js vs. PHP: Speed

Talking about Node.js vs. PHP: Speed refers to the speed with which both technologies execute. High execution speed equates to a faster development cycle and more cost-effective projects.


Only a few asynchronous programming environments exist, and Node.js is one of them. This is a key distinction that sets Node.js apart from other languages. Because it’s asynchronous, it doesn’t have to wait for a module to complete before moving on to the next. As a result, this method dramatically decreases the web app’s downtime and ensures a smooth user experience.


PHP, like most pre-2000 languages and technologies, is based on synchronicity. This means that each module and function is run in the sequence indicated in the code. If one function or module isn’t run, the others won’t start until it is finished.

4. Node.js vs. PHP: Performance

Performance refers to how PHP or Node.js code is written and how well it performs on key performance indicators such as page load times and seamlessness. Let’s compare Nodejs and PHP on a performance basis!


Due to the obvious asynchronous nature of Node.js and the JavaScript V8 Engine, it has a fast execution speed and a short startup time. In addition, as Node.js is event-driven, it does not wait for existing requests to complete.

Concurrency is the term used to describe this order-independent execution. Multiple modules are performed at the same time but not simultaneously in concurrent module execution.

Simply put, even if they’re using the same resource and running in the same environment, their start and finish times may differ.


PHP was created in a much earlier era, as evidenced by how well it performs in page load time efficiency. It halts a process until it has completed all calculations, resulting in delayed loading and no concurrency.

5. Node.js vs. PHP: Frameworks

Since the most commonly used code is already provided with functions, libraries, and APIs, frameworks allow you to focus on the minor aspects of your project. The more comprehensive the framework, the less redundant code you’ll have to create.


Node.js has experienced a significant expansion of its libraries in a relatively short amount of time, thanks to frameworks like Meteor, Derby, Express, and Sails. While these frameworks can increase productivity by reducing development time and resource usage, PHP’s frameworks outweigh Node.js’.


PHP, which has been around since 1995, has an extensive library of frameworks, each with its niche market. Indeed, several development firms specialize in PHP frameworks such as Laravel, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, and Phalcon.

6. Node.js vs. PHP: Request Handling

This is a metric for how quickly a technology responds to customer queries.


The system doesn’t have to wait for one process to finish before moving on to the next because numerous requests are processed asynchronously. As a result, time spent on the CPU and RAM is also not wasted. The only issue is that if an unsolved error in one request is not treated promptly, it may interfere with other requests, resulting in a pan-system error.


PHP only deals with one request at a time. It requires more significant CPU and RAM resources, as expected. Every request is executed in a silo because it’s on the other end of the spectrum for this parameter.

This prevents request mistakes from spreading, but it causes a slowdown in the system due to its one-request-at-a-time approach.

7. Node.js vs. PHP: Community

If this question- Is node js better than PHP still buzzing around your head, this aspect might clear all your doubts.

The kind of updates that come to various frameworks, libraries, and projects being created under each technology is determined by the strength and expertise of the community.


The registry indexes the majority of Node.js projects. Because Node.js is still relatively young, it has a smaller community than PHP. However, the community’s efforts are more geared toward today’s development demands. In reality, rather than functioning as a library for importing functionality from other languages, many projects introduce new functionalities to Node.js.


PHP has a broader community and a more significant number of projects than most technologies because it has been around longer. However, one major issue is that, when compared to Node.js, the community’s newest projects appear dull.

The projects they created were first favorably appreciated since they added to platform capabilities in other languages.

8. Node.js vs. PHP: Database

Here, we’re looking at how easily the technology can connect to the database, as well as the database’s kind — relational or traditional.


Since the introduction of NoSQL databases, Node.js has been well-synchronized with all types of databases. Furthermore, Node.js can work seamlessly with NoSQL databases like MongoDB and CouchDB thanks to JavaScript Object Notation; a unique data format used when working with databases.

It also supports graph databases and has extensive SQL database access libraries.


PHP is an older technology that works with relational and traditional databases such as MySQL and MariaDB. While importing libraries to work with the NoSQL database is feasible, the procedure is time-consuming and takes a long time.

When Should You Use Node.js Instead of PHP?

If you’re searching for extensive features, Node.js can deliver the best value to your web-app development.

Efficiency in Development

You might use MongoDB, ExpressJS, or AngularJS to create a dynamic single-page application. Node.js is commonly used in conjunction with this stack for simplicity of development and best performance.

Servers’ Callback Consistently

Web applications built using Node.js tend to perform better when regularly sending queries to the server.

Data in Real-Time

When we compare Nodejs and PHP, the Node framework is ideal for web apps that require real-time data capability since the data transmission speed from the server to the client-side application is optimal.

When Should You Use PHP Instead of Node.js?

PHP is the technology to choose if you want your web project to have the following


No Scaling Requirements and a Centralized Server

PHP is an excellent complement to your tech stack if you plan to dedicate a single centralized server to your web project that will not scale across a larger number of servers. You may also use it with Linux, Apache, and MySQL.


While PHP limits the number of servers you may connect to, it also allows for important server portability. You can almost have your website up and operating in no time if you utilize it with content management systems like WordPress, Jumla, or Drupal.


So, that’s a wrap-up to the comparison between Node.js vs. PHP!

There is no defined method for determining whether Node.js is superior to PHP or vice versa. Therefore, rather than attempting to determine which technology outperforms the other, you should first map out the needs of your project and then choose the technology that best matches them.

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  • Vikas Dagar

    Vikas Dagar is a seasoned expert in the field of web and mobile applications, boasting over 14 years of experience across a multitude of industries, from nimble startups to expansive enterprises. Visit Linkedin

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Vikas Dagar

Vikas Dagar

Vikas Dagar is a seasoned expert in the field of web and mobile applications, boasting over 14 years of experience across a multitude of industries, from nimble startups to expansive enterprises. Visit Linkedin

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