UI/UX Design Trends In Mobile Apps For The Perfect Application

UI/UX Design Trends In Mobile Apps For The Perfect Application

UI & UX design play a crucial role in forming a mobile application. Without proper UI/UX designing, your application will get uninstalled even quicker than it gets installed. So how do you prevent that from happening to your mobile application? Well, we highly suggest you keep reading this blog if you are planning to get your mobile application designed by a designer or even if you are a mobile application designer offering mobile application designing services. 

Fullfiling the demand of the users in terms of providing them with a seamless user interface and a flawless user experience is the priority of application designers. They are focused on creating designs that have all the ingredients to make the user’s experience better. 

Effective UI/UX Design Trends

UI/UX design is just as crucial for a mobile application as sugar is for cake, which would be tasteless without the former and probably make you furious. UI/UX designers are probably experimenting with new things while designing as we speak (or as you read) to create new trends to somehow elevate the user’s experience. Let’s look at some of the innovative trends in UI/UX design that have contributed to a better overall user experience for mobile application users. 

Password-Less Login

Password-Less Login

Sometimes we all get agitated by the long process of filling in blanks while signing up on a mobile application. The process can take a lot of time and patience, which are luxuries not everyone has. Thanks to password-less login, which has now made logging in to mobile applications much easier and quicker. The feature enables a user to log in quickly by just typing in an OTP sent to their device, and the rest of it is taken care of by the application itself. This design feature has elevated the user experience significantly and has made logging in more efficient. 

Dark Themes

Dark Themes

Dark themes are, without a doubt, a godsend for those who like to scroll through their phones and spend a lot of time on them. Simply put, dark themes or dark modes refer to a user interface dominated by a dark color palette. Initially used in apps like Youtube, Google, and Reddit, the dark mode is becoming more common now as more and more UI/UX designers are getting intrigued by the idea of it. Nowadays, mobile applications are embedded with a button to turn their app’s dark mode on/off as per their choice. Furthermore, advancements in the feature have also been witnessed with savvy features like automatic dark mode, which automatically turns on the dark mode once the sun goes down. 

Rounded Corners

Rounded Corners

Goodbye! Sharp corners, because rounded corners in mobile applications are here to stay. Sharp corners on mobile applications do not look appealing and instead look a bit sharp, which is not good for the user experience. Rounded corners look smooth and help you process data with ease. This trend has been adopted by modern smartphones that have round corners, which leads to the round corners of the application connecting with it neatly and elevating the UX. 

Inclusive Design

Inclusive Design

Today, the world is much more aware of racially motivated discrimination and other forms of injustice due to the identity and preferences of people, which happen around the world. Inclusive design contributes to the curbing of ignorance and motivates people to be more considerate towards others by acknowledging that people are diverse and including a wide range of human factors such as language, race, gender, disabilities, etc. in the design process. 

Relatable Illustrations

Relatable Illustrations

Graphics have the power to connect with users on a greater level. People often find graphics emotional and feel a sense of connection with them. UI and UX designers have decided to bank on this opportunity and have started adding better illustrations to their designs. It not only makes the mobile application look and feel more soothing to the eyes but also helps the user understand and process the information quickly. 

Personalized Experience

Personalized Experience

When it comes to personalized experiences, companies such as Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, etc. have mastered it. Personalized experience is an essential feature of mobile applications that strive to improve your UX through recommendations of products or services based on your preference. Companies collect data from their users and later on offer them results based on their likes, which not only makes it easier for the users to make a decision but also saves them time. 

Responsive Designs 

Responsive Designs 

Responsive designs are extremely necessary because of the rapid transformation of screen sizes. Every year a different screen size is introduced to the digital world, which makes the responsive design more and more important. Responsive designs are flexible and can be adjusted to any screen size. There was a time when there was no such thing as responsive design, which made it very hard for the application to function swiftly on any size of screen. Since the advent of responsive designs, the user experience has grown rapidly, and the feature continues to prove its capability every day. 


These were the top UI/UX design trends that are booming in the mobile application design industry and significantly improving the user experience of users. The mobile application industry is booming as more and more people switch to smartphones. The growth also marks an increase in the requirement for making advancements in user experience to keep users happy and satisfied.


  • Sandy K is the dynamic and visionary Director at EitBiz. With a rich tapestry of experience spanning almost 15 years, Sandy has cultivated a unique, global perspective that he brings to the forefront of EitBiz’s operations. Visit Linkedin

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Sandy K

Sandy K

Sandy K is the dynamic and visionary Director at EitBiz. With a rich tapestry of experience spanning almost 15 years, Sandy has cultivated a unique, global perspective that he brings to the forefront of EitBiz’s operations. Visit Linkedin

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