Why Choose PrestaShop Development Agency – Ultimate Guide

Why Choose PrestaShop Development Agency

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the necessity of E-Commerce stores for storing up on essentials. Though established E-commerce stores would have seen an immediate increase in daily traffic, some still have challenges.

However, for an online company to be successful and profitable, it must not be technologically behind the times in any way. It must provide customers with the best shopping experience they have ever had.

For this to happen, the e-commerce platform you employ PrestaShop development agency that is experienced and has a proven portfolio of delivered work.

PrestaShop is a fantastic e-commerce CMS platform that provides cutting-edge e-commerce software to assist businesses in running their online storefronts. This international shopping cart solution, launched in 2007, is utilized by thousands of businesses worldwide and is a trendy choice among merchants.

In this article, we’ll go through a list of reasons why you should hire a PrestaShop development business.

Design and Development

We develop designs using Prestashop themes that speak of perfection and usability. So if you are looking to have an eCommerce website developed from scratch, we have just the suitable Prestashop theme for you.

Prestashop Modules Development

We are a leading PrestaShop agency with the expertise and the capability to proactively develop Prestashop modules that will make your business a step ahead of the competition. So whether you are looking for a new module developed from scratch or a module that you would want to be customized, we are the guys for the job.

Prestashop Payment Gateways

Payment gateways make it very convenient and easy for customers to checkout from your eCommerce store. With the services of our expert team, we will professionally integrate Prestashop payment gateways to your website. But, that’s not all; we do so with your customers and type of product in mind to enhance your customers’ experience.

Exceptional Marketing Skills

PrestaShop includes a Marketing module that allows you to advertise products and enhance the user experience. In addition, our PrestaShop development services will assist you in integrating your website with these platforms, which will increase your reach, improve customer retention, and benefit your online store significantly. With millions of people using social media platforms for making purchase decisions, our PrestaShop development services will assist you in integrating your website with these platforms. It will increase your reach, improve customer retention, and benefit your online store significantly.


After installation and launch, we do not vanish into thin air. We remain available and ready to take up any support needs you might have. These include 24/7 customer support for Prestashop-developed products and maintenance services.

The favorite aspect is that you won’t have to look for the necessary paperwork or assistance because it’s all right there on the PrestaShop website. In addition, this offers detailed information on the platform’s many features and parameters.

Customer service representatives in the online support forum, also known as the PrestaShop community, will answer all of your inquiries and offer training classes and premium help if you require it.

Make Your Company More International

We must work on the on-site language and its translation to communicate with international customers. We recognize that prospective customers will only stay on your website for a long time if they read it in their native language.

PrestaShop supports over 75 languages and can modify the translation of the site. It also allows you to obtain language packs for various countries to cater to your target audience’s needs.

Professional Features

If you are looking for why hire a PrestaShop developer, you need to understand that there are more than 600 built-in capabilities to choose from, all of which provide the essentials to get you begun. Unlimited listings, bulk import/export, and inventory features are among the general features.

Gift packaging, payment methods, tax settings (depending on location), and the possibility to sell abroad are all available at the checkout. Finally, customer relationship management (CRM) tools such as abandoned cart notifications, customized promos, and automated emails are available.

We are Best Placed to Deliver on All Your Prestashop Needs

We have a wide range of services to ensure that you are well covered. With a team of experts who have, on the minimum, years of experience working with Prestashop themes.

Is Prestashop the Best Option for Your Company?

With so many e-commerce platforms to select from, you must pick the best decision possible based on your level of experience, the type of business you run, and your team’s skills.

This open-source e-commerce CMS is highly customizable, with an extensive feature set and an increasing number of add-ons.

EitBiz is a leading PrestaShop development agency that offers the best Prestashop development services by developing your website and installing Prestashop plugins that make it more user-friendly.

To know more, simply visit https://www.eitbiz.com/ to discuss your e-commerce software needs.


EitBiz - Extrovert Information Technology

EitBiz - Extrovert Information Technology

EitBiz is a fast-growing and dynamic software, mobile app and web design and development company, expanding to multiple countries.

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